Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve

Last day of 2009.....Hoping 2010 will a much better year and I will get the freedom I was promised which I know deep inside I will. Soon my dark clouds will be over and I get see my child home.All I need is to get my self a little something to make a few $ so I can get by somehow for now while I am working on this project of mine.Both of them.Then ! I will get my VICTORY...Since my GIFTS are not doing anything,....I am working on this INSTRUOKE of mine ....At least I have it on youtube now and managed to post it in my facebook page and people get to see it ??? I know they are all laughing at it because of my singing but I really don't give a flying @#$%^&*()_ of what they think.I am happy and that is what matter huh ?I have my N.Y's resolution and I am hoping for it to be followed faithfully by,.........ME.Still working on this Beatles Instruoke and with the help of MY 3, will happen and I will be guided by the only one who was there for me the whole time.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

12 songs

I have now twelve songs in my belts in youtube ,I have more,...but like I said earlier I don't know if I can post it because of the original soundtrack.....I have that 3 Beatles song I want to post but afraid to to get caught and be charge of copyright infringement ika nga...Don't want either Paul or Ringo coming after me personallyhe,he,he...GEEZ that is all I need .....I will just wait for the New Years to ring in ,maybe I'll get a new idea and have all this out in the open .I have been just staying home not doing much of anything.CAN"T !.Maybe someone will see my posting and realize,....check this out ....and there ....I don't know what really is I need to do to get this out........I am staying home again today ,my car is not really in good moving condition.I have a fuel problem too....I believe that 2010 will be my year and all this dark clouds will soon be gone ......

Sunday, December 27, 2009


I have now seven songs posted on youtube .I don't really know if it's going to help me in any ways. I just want to make sure I have it there for a security make sure I have proof it's mine and not something someone has stolen .I am losing my trust in my project.Seems like every one I talk to is not interested in what I have or ,it seems like they knew it already.I can't really make a lot of move around no.Funding is not really allowing me to do a lot of things now a days.Dark clouds should soon be over hopefully and things will be different.I am leaving things alone now and leave it up to him.....Everything will be OK............I believe...Anyway ,....I have more songs that I can post but has original soundtrack and I am afraid that if I post it on youtube that I can get sued because of the copyrights....I have about ten more with original soundtracks......

Friday, December 25, 2009


Yes this is what it's all about .Celebration of CHRIST.I am with the Xmas spirit but I really don't feel celebrating,....My heart is with the program and I feel the spirit ....My daughter is suffering and here I am having such a blast .I will wait till she is around and then I will have the celebration I need .Getting her freedom back is a celebration already for me but for now I will just be thankful I have my sanity and she is safe and I am able send her what she need.I will get my turn and have my celebration of my own ....I love my sibling's and all but they have they're own thing's that they have to do and they're own family to take care off and I can't really rely on them.I really would like to have my FREEDOM so I can maybe help them in any ways I can.I managed to post the Birthday song for JESUS song ....I actually just posted the song My 3, the new and improved... my Trinity ,Maybe I am doing this all wrong or it is not really good enough and I am just wasting my time thinking I have something good? Maybe it is all in my mind....For now HO -HO HO HO ..MERRY CHRISTMAS..........

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

have ur self a merry lil xmas

I am happy,... I managed to change what I had in my FB page ,video of the Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas and the original INSTRUOKE ???I have been re-searching the regular Karaoke and mine looks like*@#$%@#$ looking .Anyway I was really embarrassed having put that in my page ,probably laughing at my work ,they are just family and did not say anything ....but ! don't care ...It is all fix now and I am able to have upload a much better one .I will stick to the old one for now and work more on the one with an image or a video.I have checked on it a few times and played the song and it seems OK ...I have put the one with no sound and for them to follow and play and sing along .The highlighting looks good and synchronized and just have to do your own style.
And have yourself a .....................
Merry little Christmas NOW !!!

Monday, December 21, 2009


The whole sunday goes by doing nothing but wonder what is going to happen.Nature just dropped 18 inches of snow and it is time to dig up my automobile from my driveway and make sure it will move when it's time for me to go anywhere.....I am now really,really working on my Beatles project and hoping and always hoping this will be the one........I am back, just have to take care of my daughters affair and send what is needed....Back to my music, I am done with 3 songs and hoping I will be working on more today.I know I keep saying I will but ........

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Need to work....I need to do things the winning ways and leave the negatives.I have all this plans and no action ?Playing a lot of guitar and keeping to my self getting to know me more I have chosen 12 songs that I need to do.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


I am trying to do all theses and it is not working I tried so many times but I don't know what is wrong with my PC but it just keep going around and around and I am thinking it has been uploading does not upload or I really don't what it is I am doing.I managed to do 4 songs and that is it.I was through youtube and checking out all the similar posting of songs there is few karaoke songe almost similar to mine and to compare to them ,...I am ashamed now to even have posted my songs compare to those ones posted ,.... They are clear,easy to understand and synchronized....+ my voice don't help.Nobody even come visit or give their comment TSK-TSK-TSK...It is that wrong but I don't care,...I can't really dwell on that ,...I am OK ...They don't freaking like it ,....too bad ! That is all I know .I am not really that savvy when it comes to computer but I am trying to get it out there.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I am doing good the last 3 days by just trying to upload some of the music INSTRUOKE I made.I managed to upload some in you tube and in return I was able to transfer to face book. Have your self a Merry little Christmas and All I do today(self) w/o sound and the original Have your self a Merry little Christmas with just words and guitar chords.I was going to put Beatles music too but I don't know,... I could get in trouble for that because of the copy right.I am trying to upload one of my songs now,..MY TRINITY .I am really having difficulties with uploads .I just leave it alone after but as far I know I am doing good.I have four now I even have the song I uploaded a year ago and don't even know about it "LOVE SONG"by Elton John and Smiling by James Taylor I saw these set up in Blue Mountain when I was in Canada last Fall ,last October....exactly what I have in mind for music entertainment.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Honey Don't ...

Before I went to sleep last night, I started working on my 4th beatles song to be in my instruoke list of Beatles song .I finally made up my mind and decided to work on my Beatles list of songs to show since that Beatles rock band is booming .I thought I'll come up with some of their earlier hits to start with.Like I said I have 3 now and 4th will be Honey Don't,.. which is complete already but need to be put together..I laid around all day ,but around 4 p.m. I started humming Christmas songs and decided to do one and since I only have one anyway ,...I did Have your self a merry little Christmas and finished it ......Tell me about it .It is done and 2 kinds .One with video and original .

Friday, December 11, 2009


I think I am getting lazier and lazier .I know what I am doing ,....sitting around and again being lazy .Hey,...I am playing guitar and picking out the Good Beatles song that I can find and enjoy singing/reciting he,he,he....So far I have a list of over one hundred good songs of them and waiting......I wrote about six of them in the Instruoke program and managed to turn 3 of them to the instruoke ,I should have known better,,You won't see me ,and You can't do that with original soundtrack and words with chords....I am ......................trying to work now with my own track .As i long as I get them moving I am good to go...More patience ,more doing ,more action and I will be OK.The people that I am talking with about a new program with the computer has not come back to me when they found that I don't have the funding ...Oh well.......they're lost...... I'll find one that will help me and assist me in any ways they can ?????
They're around .I just haven't found them yet......

Monday, December 7, 2009


Seven gifts for the my gift..seventh day of December and still don't know what i need to do with my self..... I have been just screwing around with this project of mine because I am not doing anything but just sit around. .Like I said I really don't know what it is I need to do now .I know I need to get my self someone to straighten out my program and make it better.Get my self a programmer and correct my project.I know I need to show it and get peoples opinion but I don't who to go to now or who to show it to ....Most of the restaurant and bar in town are either closed already or closing ...I am trying ,..I even get to the point I am lying to myself.Looking for things that I can do. This lack of funding is not helping either.I am not complaining ,...just telling a story.Have to get my self together.My priority right now is my daughters welfare and that is number one.Hoping the beginning of the year everything is going to change for the better .Get my Maria situated and work more on my Music project and concentrate on The Beatles music


Thursday, December 3, 2009


It is the 3rd of december ,...Usually I am in Nasugbu , hometown in the Philippines and getting around to each and every house in town eating and drinking till we pass all out,,,,It is a 3 days festival and it is non stop ....You can go to any house and they will serve you and allow you to do whatever as long as you don't disrespect anyone,singing and dancing and just plain having a good time.Non stop cooking..There will be carnival and shows in the Plaza and it is wall to wall people wherever you go........Anyway ,...just reminiscing...I am so bored right now that I am not doing anything at home.....I have not even started my Instruoke Beatles music ptoject...WELL ! Actuall that is not true .I just remembered I have down loaded about four songs already but I still have to type the songs now ?????? HUH !!!! I will........