Last day of 2009.....Hoping 2010 will a much better year and I will get the freedom I was promised which I know deep inside I will. Soon my dark clouds will be over and I get see my child home.All I need is to get my self a little something to make a few $ so I can get by somehow for now while I am working on this project of mine.Both of them.Then ! I will get my VICTORY...Since my GIFTS are not doing anything,....I am working on this INSTRUOKE of mine ....At least I have it on youtube now and managed to post it in my facebook page and people get to see it ??? I know they are all laughing at it because of my singing but I really don't give a flying @#$%^&*()_ of what they think.I am happy and that is what matter huh ?I have my N.Y's resolution and I am hoping for it to be followed faithfully by,.........ME.Still working on this Beatles Instruoke and with the help of MY 3,...it will happen and I will be guided by the only one who was there for me the whole time.