Wow,it has been five days that I've been gone and have not realized it...I was to busy getting things together for my daughter who is now in Boston,things that she can use and preparing for the outside life she has been coop up inside and I have to provide for her some new things that she can use and need .I have not even touch or play my guitar.Although I was able to fix my nephew in-law's guitar...I was not really interested in fixing it but I was told that it would belong to my grand nephews in the future so I want nothing better for these children and would like to be able to teach them how to play specially.....It needs a new saddle string bridge .It was split in half and it needs a place to put the bone in.It will cost $120.00 for the new saddle and it need to be lifted with heat and replace which they have to do themselves and it will cost $30.00 for that So ! I decided to look around for alternative or spend the money which they won't come up with because it is expensive and almost the price of a new guitar.I like to help so I found my self a piece of wood and started cutting and shaping till I got the right shape .I went to arts and craft store and found myself the right color paint for $1.99 + and started blending and gluing and TARAN,It's fixed and stringed and played it and it sounded good.....DANG I'm good he,he,...I am so proud of my self that I am able to do this kind of grace that I am provided....I have been working today too with a couple of Beatles songs ,...Ask me why and please,please me....of course it is incomplete still but......I was multi-tasking all over.I even managed look for houses and even sent $$ for my nephews.....and cook pancit at the same time after.....