Monday, May 19, 2014


I have to get this out for real, has been 7 years and really nothing is going on and people don't know Instruoke yet,...I have been lying to myself being out  there but doing any sales what so ever ???have to develop a different approach in my marketing  which I don't  know nothing about .........HELP !!!

My Instruoke

Has been 3 days of walking around and still has no result of any kind ,no transport ,no $$$ ,just have to keep introducing the project,I know soon enough someone will recognize what I have and discover the music settings.I know I do have to be out there to show and tell but if  it' not health or funding is short and sometimes laziness kicks in and I need to get it out there or I will still be in the same  spot I am now next year and won't be able to help others and I will never know what will happen and it will remain a ???

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

                              This is now what I have for introduction to The Beatles Instruoke tribute.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

it's been a long time

 I have crashed my laptop,lost all my passwords ,open a new gmail account ,...lost the pass word again and now with the new borrowed laptop,...I am now able to retrieve my INSTRUOKE blog maybe going again

even if it is only part time only.So many things happened and not a single Instruoke project was included except the actual playing of the guitar and the speech therapy,I know what I need to do and I can't seem to get there.It started in 07, si now the 14th ................have to get it out.